Most In-Demand Job Skills

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Zipjob Team

4 min read

If you’re in the market for a new job, there are many things to consider. Obviously, you need to ensure that your resume is optimized for best results. That’s a given. Still, these days it takes more than a stellar resume to get that dream job. You also need to optimize your social media presence, especially your LinkedIn profile, during your job search.

While that may seem like a chore, the reality is that LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for job seekers. As it turns out, many employers will scout your LinkedIn page during the hiring process. In addition, recruiters rely on that platform to locate and screen great job candidates. To pass this vetting, however, your profile should include as many of the most in-demand job skills as possible.

That raises an interesting question, though: what are the most in-demand job skills? You definitely need an answer to that question if you’re going to maximize your job search chances, right?

Fortunately, there is no need to guess. As it turns out, LinkedIn has done the research for you! Using data from their platform, the company identified the top in-demand job skills and compiled a list. That list includes the top 30 most in-demand job skills for this year.

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Top in-demand job skills: hard skills

The LinkedIn list of most in-demand job skills for 2021 included the top 10 hard skills that employers are evidently looking for.

There is a difference between hard and soft skills.

Hard skills are those that involve certain types of knowledge, expertise, and technical capabilities. They are skills that you use when you perform certain tasks, as opposed to skills that are harder to measure and define. For example, your ability to write a computer program script would be a hard skill.

On the other hand, your ability to explain that script to a co-worker or supervisor would be more of a soft skill.

For 2021, the most in-demand job skills in the hard skill category include:

  1. Blockchain

  2. Cloud Computing

  3. Analytical Reasoning

  4. Artificial Intelligence

  5. UX Design

  6. Business Analysis

  7. Affiliate Marketing

  8. Sales

  9. Scientific Computing

  10. Video Production

In 2019, other top hard skills included

  • Translation

  • Audio Production

  • Natural Language Processing

  • Game Development

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Animation

  • Journalism

  • Digital Marketing

  • Industrial Design

  • Competitive Strategies

  • Customer Service Systems

  • Software Testing

  • Data Science

  • Computer Graphics

  • Corporate Communications

Also, remember that most companies today--including LinkedIn!--use an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) to automatically screen your resume. These systems automatically screens your resume to see if you're a good match for the position.

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Join more than 1 million people who have already received our complimentary resume review.

In 48 hours, you will know how your resume compares. We’ll show you what’s working--and what you should fix.

Make sure that you use a standard resume format so that the ATS can easily read your resume. You should also include keywords and resume skills that are relevant to the position.

Top in-demand job skills: soft skills

As mentioned, soft skills are not as easy to define or measure. That’s because they generally have more to do with less tangible skill sets, and don’t come with tests to prove your expertise. Still, these skills are important for any employee to have. In fact, the right soft skills can often be the deciding factor between you and a rival job candidate. For 2021, the most in-demand job skills in the soft skill category include:

  1. Creativity

  2. Persuasion

  3. Collaboration

  4. Adaptability

  5. Emotional Intelligence

It’s easy to see why these skills are so important to employers! In a rapidly-changing economy, companies need employees who are creative, adaptable, and comfortable collaborating with others. Emotional intelligence is new on the list this year, indicating a greater emphasis on working well with others. Meanwhile, the ability to persuade others is a skill that all companies (and employees) need.


Still wondering how to leverage 2021’s most in-demand job skills? They say that knowledge is power. That’s certainly true when it comes to any job search.

Once you know what the most in-demand job skills are, that knowledge gives you the power to shape your LinkedIn profile to highlight those relevant skills. Remember, more than 9 out of 10 recruiters will look at LinkedIn when they’re judging a candidate’s qualifications. By focusing on these in-demand skills, you can better ensure that you pass that vetting process.

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ZipJob Team

The ZipJob team is made up of professional writers and career experts located across the USA and Canada with backgrounds in HR, recruiting, career coaching, job placement, and professional writing.

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